Azure Cloud engineer

DevOps Lithuania / Denmark Hybrid / Freelance

Wanted! A Azure cloud engineer! Have you seen them?

As an Azure DevOps Engineer at Skaylink, you work with the infrastructure of customer solutions in Azure with a focus on automation and infrastructure as code (IaC). Your role will be to advise on, implement, and maintain tools that ensure continuous integration and continuous delivery that support application development. 

Skaylink is a Cloud Service Provider that builds advanced cloud solutions on Azure based on the market’s fastest and most agile methods. We are dedicated to agile working methods, DevOps, and Test-Driven Development, and are at the forefront of many of the modern technologies, including IoT. We also take pride in delivering software and solutions of the highest quality. 

What role will you get?

As an Azure DevOps engineer at Skaylink, you work with DevOps tasks in one of our project teams consisting of architects, software developers, and DevOps specialists. You will have full focus on one project/team at a time, serving our international clients.  

It will be your responsibility to: 

  • Contribute to the design and implementation of the optimal Azure infrastructure with a focus on PaaS in Azure; 
  • Ensure that all setup and provisioning is done as infrastructure as code; 
  • Fully automated monitoring and scaling of solutions; 
  • Advise on the choice of Azure services; 
What do we expect of you?

You are an Azure DevOps developer and have a few years of experience with Azure DevOps projects and Infrastructure as Code. 

You have a higher education (ex. Master’s) in computer or data science and want to work with DevOps. You are fluent in writing and speaking in English and enjoy having daily contact with the customer. 

  • You would like to work with the latest technologies in Azure with a focus on PaaS; 
  • You can translate customer needs into solutions; 
  • Infrastructure as code is the way you work; 
  • You have worked with several of the following technologies: Azure DevOps, Powershell, Azure CLI, ARM templates, YAML, Bicep, Terraform, Git; 
  • You are familiar with and would like to learn more about several of the following Azure services: Cosmos, App Service, API Management, Azure SQL, Security Center, Application Insights, Azure Kubernetes Service, Storage accounts, Function app, Azure AD, Azure AD B2C, Data Factory, Front Door, Key Vault, Azure Cognitive Search, Service Bus, Signal R, Data Lake, Power Apps, VNET, Container Registry, IoT Hub, Event Grid; 

You would like to be part of an agile setup, where requirements and direction can be changed quickly, but where co-determination and freedom are paramount. 


It will be an advantage if: 
  • You are used to working in an application development team, in close cooperation with architects and software developers; 
  • You have experience with one or more object-oriented languages ​​such as C#; 

As a person, you are independent, responsible, proactive, and service-minded. You are driven by learning new things and passionate about keeping up to date with the latest methods and technologies. You are committed and motivated in everything you do. If you are also happy to discuss with and learn from talented colleagues and enjoy lifting in groups as part of a team, you will fit in perfectly. 

What do we offer?

You will be part of our growing international team, where high professionalism, innovation, and job satisfaction are paramount. The high professional level among your colleagues gives you a unique opportunity to work with the best, and we take your further professional development seriously. 

Why us?

We work 100% with Microsoft development, Azure, and cloud. We are not just talking about going to the cloud – we are already in the cloud and have been building cloud solutions for several years. We really create value for the customer when the standard solutions are no longer sufficient. We solve complex challenges in critical industries (including aviation and the financial sector) and build from the ground up. We are passionate about innovating and transforming the customer’s strategy into concrete returns. We focus on innovation to create solutions that are faster, simpler, and much more intelligent. 

You will have colleagues interested in learning and want to become the best at what they do. We therefore offer good opportunities to develop yourself and, of course, nice benefits. Here, we believe that everyone matters and that going to work every day should be fun. 

Papildomos galimybės motyvacijai


Nesvarbu, ar tai bus hamakas kur nors paplūdimyje Tailande, ar kotedžas Italijos kaime. Visai nesvarbu, ar tai bus Jūsų solo kelionė, ar išvyka su Skaylink Komanda – Jūs visada turite galimybę dirbti vietoje, kuri Jums labiausiai tuo metu patinka ir įkvepia. Mums labai svarbi darbo ir gyvenimo pusiausvyra

Sveikatos draudimas

Skaylink darbuotojai turi galimybę pasinaudoti specializuotu sveikatos draudimo paketu, kurio vertė 1000 EUR/metams

Erdvė mokytis ir augti

Savo darbuotojams suteikiame visas galimybes stiprinti kompetencijas pasirinktose srityse ir asmeniškai. Metiniuose tiksluose keliamės ne tik profesinius, bet ir asmeninio tobulėjimo tikslus. Skaylink komanda turi prieigas prie pasaulinių mokymosi platformų, idant išliktų geriausiais profesionalais rinkoje

Judrumo biudžetas

Nesvarbu, ar vairuojate nuosavą automobilį, ar į darbą keliaujate su pavežėjais, Skaylink suteikia biudžetą darbuotojų kelionėms

Biuro gėrybės

Turime tradicijų. Be kasdienės kavos ar kitų gėrimų biure, bendrų Komandos pietų be progos ar švenčių, Skaylink ofise visada yra gėrybių. Mes mėgstame švęsti, todėl Komandos vakarėliai, vakarienės - neatsiejama kasdienybės dalis


Skatiname aktyvų gyvenimo būdą. Mūsų Komanda kartu bėgioja, plaukia, visi darbuotojai turi galimybę tapti Skaylink įkurtos triatlono komandos BTT dalimi ir turėti geriausią laiką drauge

Extra priedai

Yra dalykų, kurių nesuplanuosi, bet Skaylink'eriai gerai žino, kaip nutinka neplanuotos savaitgalio kelionės į Santorini, bendras vizitas į teatrą, kelionės į festivalius, kolegų pirtys ir kiti smagūs reikalai